DJ Marketing

Build your DJ brand with Snapchat Geo-Filters

DJ Marketing with Snapchat

If you’re running your own event or a DJ doing a release party, creating a custom geo-filter on Snapchat can be a great method of DJ marketing. This really could spread your brand to the masses, especially as the app boasts over 158 million daily active users!

A ‘geo-filter’ is a specific Snapchat filter (image overlay) that will appear when a user Snapchats in a certain area. So if you’re running a night in a specific venue (or area e.g. festival), you could set up a custom geo-filter so when people use Snapchat, your branding appears.

Here’s an example of a custom geo-filter by Diplo made for a gig at Encore Beach Club, Las Vegas:


To create your own Snapchat geo-filters…

  1. Go to:
  2. Click “on demand”geofilters
  3. Then upload your design: you can either create one online or upload an existing one you’ve made in photoshop.
  4. Next, choose the dates you want your geo-filter to be active for. Bear in mind that if you’re at an event that runs past midnight it’ll need to be active for the following day.
  5. Next, choose your area – this needs to be 20,000 square feet at a minimum. This should be plenty to cover the venue you’re playing at (unless you’re playing at a festival).
  6. Submit the geo-filter and pay.

I was surprised how cost-effective it was to set up your own geo-filters – around £15 for 5 hours in a 20,000 square feet radius. Not a bad way of marketing your DJ brand!    


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